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Golden Jewels


The Golden Jewels is our Senior Adult Ministry for adults who are 55 years of age and older. You do not have to be a member of our church to be a Golden Jewel. We have many members from churches all over Calhoun County who do not have a group to be involved in.


Many activities are planned every month for the GJs to come together with old friends and new. The GJ’s get together on the second Tuesday of each month  at 11:00 AM for a covered dish meal in the Christian Life Center at the church. We have many excellent cook's. We even have men who cook mouth watering dishes. At each meeting, a well known speaker/entertainer is invited.

Travel is part of our program in addition to our regular meetings. Several one-day trips along with one extended trip are made each year. Additionally, we are involved in many church and community projects and mission actions.


We hope that you will check back here so that you can stay up to date with the events occurring within our ministry. We are a fun-loving group. For a lot of members we are the only family they have.

We invite you to join us on the second Tuesday in each month at 11:00 AM in the CLC.  Please see the FBC Saks "New Hope Newsletter" for updates on Monthly meetings and activities. We would love for you to come be part of our group.

© 2025 First Baptist Church of Saks

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